Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Its Been Real Nice Knowing You.......NOT!!

Copied and pasted from the personal admin message set up by Ms Legend in Her Own Mind, Carole Stacy:
Personal Administrative Message #57 - I have had enough!
After reading your comments on my private e-mail to you with food for thought, It's obvious to me that you will never change your ways.
You expect to be treated nicely, yet you continue to belittle me and harrass me in forums, and now you've got a blog to sprout your nonsense about tons of webmasters who you feel are doing you wrong. Have you ever thought it might be something you do to create such behavior from others.

After 10 years, i feel it's time to have a real parting of the ways.

You have an upgrade which has 5 more months x 83c which will be refunded to you on or about June 1st..

You have 3 months left on your affiliate page x 83c which will also be refunded.

June 1st gives you enough notice to stop any ads running for JV.

As owner of this site, and the one who pays you, i consider your payouts as non-employee compensation, therefore I have the right to decide who i wish to pay, and who i wish to have as a member, and you no longer fit that bill.

Please convert your ptp credits so they can be included in what i pay you on June 1st and we can have a clean break.

Just one last comment from me, guess you never learned it.
It's the golden rule... "Treat others as you would have them treat you".

Something you have obviously never learned.

You will be paid all that's due you on June 1st and this is more than enough notice for you to stop any ads you have running.

The ads you have running here, will continue to run till they expire.
After which, i wish to have no further dealings with you.

First off, after 10 what alternative universe does Carole Stacy live??  I never even knew the woman until late 2001 when I joined the first version of MyEcom.

I never even was involved in GPT at all until the summer of 2001 so how could we have known each other for 10 years?

She expects praise for doing her job, simply doing her job, nothing more and nothing less.

If she ever did more than her job, went above and beyond the way Connie Harrison, Renee Vorbach, Suzanne Nee, Susan Curry, Thom Pearson, Beth Dunn, and Heather Conzett repeatedly do....I would be more than happy to praise her.

I do NOT praise for paying or processing ad changes or processing ads, that to me is the minimum that a program owner should do.

Praising for paying or processing ads/ad changes is to me nothing more than cheap-ass kissing up

She criticizes me for 'sprouting nonsense' and running to forums to bash/belittle her.

She's more than happy however to run to those same forums to  bash/belittle one of my dearest friends in all this world, who I also happen to work for.

In addition, over the last 9 years she has repeatedly called me --in those very same forums--every disparaging name in the book.

I guess when she calls me names, publicly questions my identity, tells me to shut up, and makes nasty personal comments about my life that isn't bashing or belittling me?

As for my behavior or attitude creating the problems I've been having with some PTR owners--- I've got some questions for Carole Stacy

Explain to me how my behavior or attitude made Terry Rouse go on a two month (and counting) vacation..

Explain to me how my behavior or attitude made Carla Birds spam me for 67 (yes, sixty-seven) days (and counting) at programs I have already left (on March 6, 2010)

Explain to me how my behavior or attitude made Eston Swaby institute a 20% personal earnings rule for affiliate page owners when he doesn't have the ads to support more than a 5% personal earnings rule.

Explain to me how my behavior made the upgrade expiration page at Princess Mails be a 404 page.

Explain to me how my behavior made Kitten Mails take down the information on the upgrade expiration page within a very few days of expiration

Explain to me how my behavior or attitude made Jane Drayton end my upgrade 2 days early and then lie about it as well as make very nasty personal remarks (something she is known to do to other people too).

Explain to me how my behavior or attitude made Adela Smith take down a paid for personal page 3 months early (at a minimum) and refuse to address the issue.

I've known Adela even longer than I've known Carole and we have always gotten along; its not my attitude but Adela's current inability to run her site that caused that the problems.

If it were my behavior or attitude that was causing the problems I would have problems with the owners of all 71 programs I belong to (and uncounted ones that I've already left)

I have minor problems with 3 program owners (at programs I still belong to).....Virginia Danielle Reatte, Eston Swaby, and Corry Brouwer.

I have major problems with 2 program owners (at programs I still belong to)....Terry Rouse and Adela Smith

I have major problems with 2 program owners (at programs I have already left)....Jane Drayton and Carla Birds

I have severe problems with ONE program owner.......Carole Stacy.

RE: that condescending golden rule comment, did Carole Stacy remember that rule when she was deleting all her tier 3/tier 4 members with no warning and no payment?

RE: that condescending golden rule comment, did Carole Stacy remember that rule when she was publicly and repeatedly bashing Afke Krikke?

RE: that condescending golden rule comment, did Carole Stacy remember that rule when she publicly told Jason Coles and Tammy White to grow up?

RE: that condescending golden rule comment, did Carole Stacy remember that rule when she publicly told Rod Baker that it was "none of his business?"

RE: that condescending golden rule comment, did Carole Stacy remember that rule when she publicly told MOI to shut up?

RE: that condescending golden rule comment, did Carole Stacy remember that rule when she took away upgrades from a member in retaliation for that member--not me--having the nerve to respond to forum posts   and oh my god even starting some of her own?

RE: that condescending golden rule comment, did Carole Stacy remember that rule when she deleted rotator view ads that had been paid for?

RE: that condescending golden rule comment, did Carole Stacy remember that rule when she publicly pretended to be her own 10 year old handicapped grandson?

I could go on for several more sentences but I think the lines above (all of which live in perpetuity, either being quoted at a forum or in a locked topic at a forum) are enough to show what a mealy-mouthed self-serving hypocrite Carole Stacy really is.

I don't think she would like that golden rule very well when its applied to HER actions.

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