Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Go Fund Me Campaign for Mold Removal

Go Fund Me links like this one Go Fund Me are generally frame breakers. So I am (hopefully) getting around that problem with this blog post.

Here's yours truly (aka the author of this blog):

Here's the closet from hell (or as I like to refer to it, the walk-in closet that turned into a swim-in closet):

And here's the villain of the piece, otherwise known as the hot water heater from hell. This is the second time that this bad boy has caused problems in my closet, but at least the first time I discovered it immediately -- not after it had slowly sprayed water over the closet for at least a month:

The hot water heater is fixable so my next door neighbor is going to fix it (the water has been off since Friday morning and it's Tuesday afternoon now). But fixing the hot water heater doesn't get rid of the mold that you see in the pictures above. And that mold is the reason for the go fund me Go Fund Me campaign.

Mold is also a health risk, particularly for people who already have compromised lungs (like me).

Symptoms of mold exposure include:

Nasal and sinus congestion; runny nose
Eye irritation; itchy, red, watery eyes
Respiratory problems, such as wheezing and difficulty breathing, chest tightness
Throat irritation
Skin irritation, such as a rash
Persistent sneezing

I had pulmonary emboli (blood clots in the lungs) in 2010 and choked on a pill which then went into my lungs in 2013. This means that the mold is even more of a risk for me than it is for people with normal lungs.

Please donate if you can, or share this link with your social networks Go Fund Me or do both. Sharing this post with your social networks would be wonderful as well.

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