Monday, September 27, 2010

Latest Doctor Appointment: GOOD NEWS!!

I would say today's doctors' appointment was all good news.

1) There are no liver abnormalities or other problems in my abdomen. There is some fatty infiltration of my liver and that is what is causing the elevated liver enzymes. It turns out that high cholesterol can be treated with niacin (my late father treated his high cholesterol with niacin).  Niacin is much less dangerous for the liver than medications such as Lipitor.

2) Currently I am only using oxygen at night.  The oxygen provider will come in and do an overnight oxygen saturation test, and if my levels are high enough then I will be off the oxygen altogether.

3) I have lost 8 pounds since August 12, 2010.  Now that I am a bit more active (walking and using the exercise bike--up to 10 minutes a day so far on the bike) I hope to increase the weight loss to 2-3 pounds per week.

4) I was seeing my doctor every two weeks; my next appointment is in 3 months.  I think that is progress.


maryjean.rivera said...

Press on! Glad you are doing so well. MJ

Anonymous said...

Please be very careful with the niacin because it can cause serious side-effects. I feel it would be safer if you were on something else because many people have a bad reaction to Niacin.
Hope you continue to do well.