Friday, June 20, 2014

Where I've Been Paid (June Edition)

Amazon Gift Cards: 0.00

Serve: 0.00

Paypal: $31.32

1) $16.69 combined payment from My PTR, St Cash Unlimited, Dream Mails, Old Amsterdam Post

2) $9.00 Pinecone Research

3) $1.00 Mars Mail

4) $3.63 combined payment from Clicks Mania and Wallaby Mail

5) $1.00 Bird Crazy Mail

Where I'm Waiting For Payout (June Edition)

Vale PTR

Your cashout request of 17.28 USD PayPal from 08/17/2013 00:39 is in the queue position 1029.

Bird Crazy Mail:

There are 4 requests in front of you. Your request for 1.00 USD PayPal is 27 day(s) old.

Wallaby Mail:

There are 10 requests in front of you. Your request for $2.90 USD Paypal is 10 days old

Raining Cash Emails:

There are 11 requests in front of you. Your request for 4.48 USD Paypal is 36 day(s) old.

Polar Bear Clicks:

There are 2 requests in front of you. Your request for $4.00 USD Paypal is 4 days old.

Payout requests were cancelled at Americana PTC (info) and Americana PTC (com); have sent contacts to both sites asking why and have heard nothing.